Thursday, August 2, 2012

Chapter 2

Before I start this post, please if you read it, leave a post, whether it's criticism or compliments, just tell me what you think! I'm not going to waste my time if people don't like it. 
Oh and don't leave any criticism if it's going to be rude, and using swear words. I want some sensible criticism, stuff I could change.

Talal: Who is this?


Talal: Meen m3ay? -He only spoke in arabic if he was beginning to get angry.

I sniffed, to assure him that there was someone at the other end.

Talal: Dalal.. Is that you? Are you okay? Why are you crying?

I started to breath heavily, not able to make out any words. I had been lost before, but right now, the only thing keeping me from taking my own life was Talal.

Talal: What did they do to you? Dalal where are you? It sounds like you're in a car, but it's still 6am in Dubai!

I started to make my words. Still panting, I replied after taking a deep breath.

Dalal: Talal, I'm done. I ran away.. No one loved me, no one cared for me, that house is a nightmare coming to life. I need you Talal, I'm driving to Abu Dhabi, and I'm not taking no for an answer. I need about 45 minutes and I'll be by your apartment. I want ice-cream and a mango smoothie.. Please.

Talal sighed. I knew he wasn't happy with this. He would've never allowed me to drive somewhere too far without company. But I knew he'd be the only one to understand me. He sighed again, probably re-thinking the situation then replied.

Talal: Alright, I'll go out and get you them. We'll have a movie night alright? You'll stay at mine. Just please stop crying, listen to John Mayer. I know you'll calm down if you do, so listen to him. If you don't stop crying, stop at the side of road and get yourself together. You're my girl! You can't let anything happen to you, unless you want me blaming myself for ever letting you do this.

Dalal: Alright, thankyou.

I pulled at the side of the road, then pulled down the mirror to remind myself I still had someone on my side, someone who believed me, someone who wouldn't let me go.

I was startled at the sound of a knock on my window, I was too engrossed in my thoughts to notice someone coming towards my car. 


  1. I wonder who Talal is, a lover? Her brother? Best friend?

    Great GREAT post, I love your writing! I can't wait for chapter 3. \o/

  2. Slow down my friend! I myself don't know yet who he is, I'm contemplating how to bring him in. I'll start descriptions soon don't worry!

    Thankyou so much! <3

  3. Loved how you meant to keep the chapters a bit vague; good idea!. Can't wait for the coming chapters. Very well done, definitely interested in reading your blog.
